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The registration fee

Conventional representationUSD200/Person 

1.   All the participants must register and pay the registration fee on or before the deadline.
2.   You can choose the below options for registration.
    ①  Online registration;
    ②  Send E-registration form directly to realexpo@cooc.org.cn;
3.   The registration fee of this “COOC” includes
    ● Admission to the Congress and the Exhibition (from Sep .18-20)
    ● Congress documentation
    ● Lunch Coupons(Sep. 18-20) and Supper Coupons( Sep.18-19)
Statement (Please Note): 
1.    The organizer will not refund any deposit fee once paid under any circumstances.
       Please read  carefully our relevant transfer procedure rules.
2.    Please note that all the bank handling charges will be borne by the remitter.
3.    The organizer will not accept any fee after the deadline date.
4.    Please keep your bank payment transfer receipts for re-confirmations..
5.    The registration invoice will be issued by “Shanghai Sinoreal Convention &  Exhibition Co., Ltd.”;
       The Hotel Room reservation invoice will be issued by respective nominated Hotel  on the day of
       check out.
       All the invoices will be provided and can be collected during the Congress.
6.    Please note that when you transfer us the fee’s, please provide us the following:
-      The Congress Name     - for example“COOC”
-      Delegate/s Name          - for example Ming Li
-      Fee Paid for:                  - for example Registration Fee
      A/C No.:310066700018800001635
      Bank Name:Bank of Communications Shanghai Branch 
      Account Name:Shanghai Sinoreal Convention &  Exhibition Co., Ltd.
      Swift Code:COMMCNSHSHI 
1.  The Last Date of Remittance: Sep. 11, 2020
2.  The organizers provide the registration fee invoice payable according to the received by the bank
     transfer order shown in the "remitter" written content, so please when handling the bank wire transfer
     accurately fill in the "remitter" column, lest affect to submit an expense account. 


© 2013-2025 COOC   cooc.org.cn. All rights reserved.

Shanghai Sinoreal Convention & Exhibition Co.,Ltd

Tel: 021-52662368  Email: realexpo@cooc.org.cn
